In this next installment of the Letters Away series, it takes us into sixteen days after the troopship Jacob and his friends have been traveling on finally reached Japan and docked in Yokohama harbor. Soon after, they and the other men arrive on the shore of Camp Drake, waiting to find out when they will all be sent to Korea. He has never been away from home before, and now his life is filled with a sense of foreboding, wondering if he will ever return home to his beloved wife Belle. He doesn't know how or why, but something inside his gut keeps telling him that he needs to reach Belle; as soon as possible for some much needed answers.
Amazon AU – http://amzn.to/2H60yhL
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Letters Away – A Love Story Series
#EliasRaven & #SharonJohnson
#EliasRaven & #SharonJohnson
Amazon – Author.to/SharonJohnson
The Letters Away collection is a series of love letters and poems between Belle and Jacob;
two high school sweethearts separated after Jacob is drafted into the Korean war in 1951.
Each segment in this series is exquisitely written and shows the deep love and spiritual
connection these two individuals have for one another. Through their letters and poems,
we are reminded that these two are soul mates and have an epic love story to share with
the world. If you love a timeless love story and want to take a walk back through history,
this is a very special series you don't want to miss. Whether you're 10 or 110, this is the kind
of story that everyone can read.
Letters Away: A Love Story – The Prequel
Letters Away: A Love Story
Letters Away: The Crossing
Letters Away: A Poetic Journey
Letters Away: A Christmas Collection
Letters Away: Japan
Autographed Paperback – goo.gl/cppzfw
~~~~About the Authors~~~
Sharon's been writing since she was 6 years old. She had one dream to become an author. Year after year the book never came, until the summer of 2013 when a two to three-page idea max kept growing. Soon after, it became clear her characters had much more to say and their story was far from over. That's how 'The Chat Room' was born. Eighteen months and a lifetime later, her dream finally became a reality in August 2015.
She's the co-author of 'Letters Away A Love Story' 'Letters Away A Love Story Prequel' 'Letters Away The Crossing' and Letters Away A Poetic Journey' written with Elias Raven author of 'Cain Sins of the Father' and the 'Painted Shadows' Poetry book
'Partners in Rhyme' is a poetry book co-authored with fellow poet, Ryan Baird author of Private Ryan Volume 1 She has several other projects releasing this year.
Sharon's other books include; 'Poetry of the Heart' a collection of twenty-five short stories. With each book ending with a perfect moment. "Life isn't perfect, but moments can be". 'The Eclectic Poet & Friends' It's an anthology featuring seven masterful poets and friends. 'Eclectic Poet My Voice' 'His Second Chance Love' the follow-up book to 'The Chat Room' are both stand-alone novels with no cliff hangers.
To find out more, you can follow here:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/srjohns53
Some Fun Facts;
She's never met a stranger. She loves poetry, biographies, romance or erotica books. She prides herself in being able to sit Indian style and touch her face to the floor and she loves NFL football. Her daily mantra is;
"Today is your fresh start your blank canvas paint a beautiful picture you'll always wanna remember".
She's the co-author of 'Letters Away A Love Story' 'Letters Away A Love Story Prequel' 'Letters Away The Crossing' and Letters Away A Poetic Journey' written with Elias Raven author of 'Cain Sins of the Father' and the 'Painted Shadows' Poetry book
'Partners in Rhyme' is a poetry book co-authored with fellow poet, Ryan Baird author of Private Ryan Volume 1 She has several other projects releasing this year.
Sharon's other books include; 'Poetry of the Heart' a collection of twenty-five short stories. With each book ending with a perfect moment. "Life isn't perfect, but moments can be". 'The Eclectic Poet & Friends' It's an anthology featuring seven masterful poets and friends. 'Eclectic Poet My Voice' 'His Second Chance Love' the follow-up book to 'The Chat Room' are both stand-alone novels with no cliff hangers.
To find out more, you can follow here:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/srjohns53
Some Fun Facts;
She's never met a stranger. She loves poetry, biographies, romance or erotica books. She prides herself in being able to sit Indian style and touch her face to the floor and she loves NFL football. Her daily mantra is;
"Today is your fresh start your blank canvas paint a beautiful picture you'll always wanna remember".
Elias Raven
Elias Raven was born and raised in Los Angeles. He’s an avid reader with a lifelong passion for writing. He’s a storyteller, a poet and a talented musician with an amazing voice. Oh, and let’s not forget an amazing cook! As a young boy he spent many summers reading classics such as "The Adventures of Sherlock Homes" and "The White Company" by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. His creativity was constantly being pushed as he learned more and more about the world around him. His taste in literature spanned from classics to science fiction/fantasy. He expanded his taste devouring everything from William Blake to Milton, Dante, Baudelaire, Arthur Rimbaud, T.S. Elliot, Emily Dickinson, Robert Frost, Khalil Gibran, William Carlos Williams, Ezra Pound, Paul Verlaine, Walt Whitman, Alan Ginsburg, Jack Kerouac, William Burroughs, Carl Sandburg, Dylan Thomas, and Jim Morrison. These inspirations and his sheer love for reading had him take pen to paper around the age of 20. Did I mention he’s a Musician? ...You can often find him playing his guitars (both electric and acoustic) and keyboards and singing (4 octave ranges) in his home studio. He’s a classically trained music aficionado -trained early on by Beethoven, Brahms, Mozart, Hayden, Liszt, as well as Big Band, Jazz and Rag Time. Spending time with his father at the Los Angeles Philharmonic; and experiencing his first orchestra concert at the age of 9. Elias the Gourmet Cook…Oh My!... His Japanese mother and grandmother trained him very well in fine culinary skills both in cooking and food appreciation from all over the world such as Italian, Indian, Moroccan, Thai, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Hawaiian, Pilipino, Greek, and Polish. When Elias is not reading, writing, composing music or cooking…he can be found listening to music, playing games, hanging out with his kids. He enjoys going to concerts, going on culinary adventures, sightseeing, spending the day at the beach or in the mountains…just doing something adventurous!
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